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Curtin Computer Science Students Association (ComSSA)

ComSSA x SE@Curtin Git & Github Workshop

Wed, 30 Mar 2022
12:00 - 14:00

This is a brief introduction to Git, its basic features and Git hosting services. It is intended for Curtin students who are interested in learning about version control. Version control is an industry staple of project management and teamwork, whose usefulness extends to personal projects and outside the discipline of computing. The workshop will cover Git basics, Github hosting, authentication, branching and how to handle pull requests.

*Venue location will be announced as soon as the guild gets back to us on our discord: discord.comssa.org.au, it will also be emailed to you if you sign up*

Ticket Type Price
ComSSA x SE@Curtin Git & Github Workshop $0.00 Unavailable

Western Australia, Australia

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